FRY CLUB JFC U9’s  Newsletter  -  January 2007    




Happy New Year to you all & Welcome back to the norm!

I hope you all spotted my “deliberate” mistake in the last E-mail, we are of course at home tomorrow and not away ;-)


With the season halfway through I believe we have made some great progress, 8 fantastic Wins (4 emphatically), 1 “Crazy” draw & 3 losses shows the tides have at least for the moment turned our way. We can now be sure that when we go out there come any Sunday we will always be in with a shout no matter whom we play.


A few stats for you; -


A team – wins 9, draws 1, losses 2. GF 49 – GA 12  Clean sheets 6

B team – wins 5, draws 1, losses 6. GF 41 – GA 30  Clean sheets 2

Both the A & B team have only lost both on the same day once! (2 narrow defeats to runaway leaders Brislington!)

The A team have kept 4 of their 6 cleans sheets in their last 4 games!

The B team have scored 24 of their 41 goals in their last 4 games (and didn’t score in 1 of them!)

  • The 90 goals so far this season is only 7 short of our record total of 97 scored last season
  • Last seasons 97 was over 25 games, we have played 12 so far this season!

If we score 17+ more goals before the end of the season then it would make our average goals scored per season 100+.

We are the leagues 2nd top goal scorers with 78

We have yet to win a penalty!


Keep it going team but DON’T get complacent!



A team captain - Ashley, B team captain - Sarah

Vice captains are: - A team – Matthew, B team - George



Subs will continue through until April 1st at the same rate of £2 (See Pontoon also!), This is to ensure enough funds are available for the rest of the season. At the time of printing we have £211.11p in the kitty, (Full accounts will be completed shortly and the figure given may reduce!)


Pontoon will continue and will start with the games played over 13th & 14th January, Entry for each players guardian will be automatic as £1 of the subs collected will be used, extra entries available at £1 per team. 

  1. Funds will divided a) £75*  to spend at Argos to winner – b) £15* Argos to spend at Argos to lowest total – c) remaining funds to the TEAM kitty  ( * Money to be spent online using website click & reserve link, aid will be given if required)
  2. If a team on 19 should have no game on the following weekend then that team shall not win by the default 2 goals rule, the very next LEAGUE game played and the goals scored will count in this instance, if there is no game played until the following weekend then the total goals scored will be entered as 0 (Zero) and so on.
  3. No player can win more than once during the same game.



Fantasy football league?  Basic Overview; - as per other games out there you will receive a certain budget to buy 1 GK, 4 defenders, 3 or 4 midfielders, & 3 or 4 attackers (Total 11 players)

Difference being you would have to pick minimum 4 Fry club JFC U9 players within your 11.

£5 per team to enter with the winner decided @ 11pm 29th April 2007 – 5 transfers allowed at a rate of £1 per transfer

Winner will get 75% of funds – Full rules, player list, budget, Player fee’s ect will be drawn up



With 5 cup games coming up its imperative I’m aware as far in advance as possible about any unavailability, if anyone is going to be away for any weekend from the 27th January through to end of February then would you please let me know ASAP.





Have you seen our video yet? Have you told Family? Have you visited the U7’s & U10 lounges?

Volunteers also required to record future games! I would especially like it if we could get 2 or 3 of us doing the same game, with footage from 3 cameras I could make one great Video / DVD J

Games on 28th Jan or 4th Feb would be perfect.



A full comprehensive DVD of Fry club JFC U9’s, Full player interviews, video clips, training overview to aid tactical awareness as well as the Frampton & Whitchurch games along with any future games J



If you have any ideas of your own for the website, fundraising, sponsorship then please come forward.

I would also just like to point out that it would be nice if more people could help out with putting up & taking down of the goal nets, it is usually the same people week in week out and the same also applies when it comes to refereeing. I personally find it a little unfair and will resolve the refereeing issue by appointing one with the expenses taken from the subs if it continues, after all we are all there to see our kids play football much the same as each other ;-)



Could you please check your kits for faults and report back, could you also all check that you have both a Home and Away kit as well as both kits being the same number, the away kit should also have the same numbered shorts, please report back any discrepancies. Also, if the the kit is getting too small then please let me know




Did you know that you can earn the club money at no extra cost to yourself?  If you are going to make a purchase from the following stores


Then please click the links from our home page, With the Argos link you could reserve the item before you buy it from the store then the club earns a small commission?  Please use it and tell your friends and family as the more proceeds that come into the club make our future more secure in the ever costly world of football. Please remember it costs you not 1 penny more to make the purchase nor do you need to register or login etc. and of course the 2 minutes spent reserving an item ensures an un-wasted trip ;-)


QUIZ! – Complete the following questions to win a £10 JJB Voucher, Closing date is 20th Jan.


  1. How many own goals have been scored in our favour this season?                                              
  2. Taking the overall results into account, how many games have our team won since season 04-05?
  3. How many different players have scored for Frys this season?                                                     
  4. How many tournaments did our team play over the Spring & Summer of 2006?                          
  5. How many tournament goals did we score in 2006?                                                                      
  6. Who is the FRY CLUB Chairman?
  7. What is the cost of a Fry Club JFC Baseball hat?
  8. Who won our team player of the year award in our first season as Under 6’s?
  9. Which team are currently on top of group 3 in the Division B & C cup?
  10. How many goals have we scored against Saltford since season 04-05?


TIE BREAKER (please complete in no more than 50 words) I enjoy playing for the under 9’s because……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………










Please return this form to Kieron NO LATER than 20th Jan 07